Frequently asked questions.

How often are events hosted?

We usually host 2 - 3 events per month, but are currently working on getting more regular events happening across Scotland!

Is there a calendar of events for the rest of 2024?

At the moment the MCC team are recovering after a month of 28+ events in March and are currently plotting the adventures we have in store for you for the rest of 2024. We aim to have an updated event schedule by mid May. Please bear with us whilst we work on an incredible line up of quests for you, in the meantime feel free to join our newsletter or join our Facebook group for updates.

Is it weird if I attend by myself?

Girl, it ain’t weird! Around 90% of attendees rock up riding solo! We honestly believe that you are way more likely to make new pals by biting the bullet and turning up by yourself.

The group is incredibly welcoming & supportive of girlies attending solo! Push that comfort zone and rock up alone!

Are events only hosted in Edinburgh?

We are currently based mostly in Edinburgh with the occasional event in Glasgow. A big part of our mission this year is to spread out across Scotland and we hope to get more events happening in the Highlands, Dumfries & Galloway, Aberdeen, Dundee and more.

Do I have to be a local to join the group?

Locals, travellers and expats are all welcome! At each event we usually have a mix of gals who are based here, travelling here or recently relocated!
It’s the perfect place to make pals from all over the world.

I have a workshop / venue / epic event idea - are you open to collaborations?

We are absolutely open to collaborations with new venues, workshop hosts and facilitators and would love to hear what you have in mind.

Please note that we do receive many requests for potential events together and unfortunately can’t say yes to everything (as much as we’d love to!).
But we do encourage you to email us at with any exciting ideas you may have!

Is the MCC LGBTQ+ Friendly?

The MC Club is a gals only, LGBTQ+ supportive group. If you identify as a woman, you are welcome in this space.
Our priority is to create a safe and welcoming place for women, so as long as you feel that you can positively contribute to that ethos, you are welcome here.

Are there any age restrictions?

Some events will include alcohol or will be hosted at a venue that is 18+ only. Please ensure you check individual listings of events to make sure you are old enough to attend.

What’s your refund policy?

We require 72 hours notice before an event for a full refund, this ensures our vendors and venues are paid for their time and so that we have adequate time to fill your space. Unfortunately we don’t offer credits for future events!

Are you hiring?!

Not at the moment, but keep an eye out on our website to find out when we are!

Any other questions? Please feel free to get in touch here